Abstract: Flexoelectricity is a general electromechanical phenomenon where the electric polarization exhibits a linear dependency to the gradient of mechanical strain and vice versa. The truncated pyramid compression test is among the most common setups to estimate the flexoelectric effect. We present a three-dimensional isogeometric formulation of flexoelectricity with its MATLAB implementation for a truncated pyramid setup. Besides educational purposes, this paper presents a precise computational model to illustrate how the localization of strain gradients around pyramidal boundary shapes contributes in generation of electrical energy. The MATLAB code is supposed to help learners in the Isogeometric Analysis and Finite Elements Methods community to learn how to solve a fully coupled problem, which requires higher order approximations, numerically. The complete MATLAB code which is available as source code distributed under a BSD-style license, is provided in the part of Supplementary Materials of the paper.
Title: Three-Dimensional Isogeometric Analysis of Flexoelectricity with MATLAB Implementation
Journal: Computers, Materials & Continua
DOI: doi:10.32604/cmc.2020.08358
Authors: Hamid Ghasemi, Harold S. Park, Xiaoying Zhuang and Timon Rabczuk
Citation: Ghasemi, H., Park, H.S., Zhuang, X. and Rabczuk, T., 2020. Three-Dimensional Isogeometric Analysis of Flexoelectricity with MATLAB Implementation. CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA, 65(2), pp.1157-1179.