Abstract: In this work, we present a compactly supported radial basis function (CSRBF) based meshfree method to analyse geometrically nonlinear flexoelectric nanostructures considering surface effects. Flexoelectricity is the polarization of dielectric materials due to the gradient of strain, which is different from piezoelectricity in which polarization is dependent linearly on strain. The surface effects gain prominence as the size of the structure tends to nanoscale and so their consideration is inevitable when flexoelectric nanostructures are analysed. First, the proposed meshfree formulation is validated and the influence of nonlinear strain terms on the energy conversion ability of flexoelectric beams made of a non-piezoelectric material like cubic Strontium Titanate is studied. Subsequently, the meshfree formulation for nonlinear flexoelectricity is extended to include nonlinear surface effects. It is determined that the surface effects can have notable influence on the output flexoelectric voltage of nano-sized cantilever structures in the nonlinear regime.
Title: A meshfree formulation for large deformation analysis of flexoelectric structures accounting for the surface effects
Journal: Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2020.07.021
Authors: XiaoyingZhuang, S.S.Nanthakumarc, Timon Rabczuk
Citation: Zhuang, X., Nanthakumar, S.S. and Rabczuk, T., 2020. A meshfree formulation for large deformation analysis of flexoelectric structures accounting for the surface effects. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 120, pp.153-165.